Aluminium Windows in Johannesburg

We offer a wide range of aluminium windows solutions, from replacement to repairs that can accommodate your budget.

Services & Features

Aluminium Windows in Johannesburg

Aluminium windows can be one of the best additions to your home, apartment or office building. You can choose from a selection of styles, colours, and designs and variations to suit your every need. Aluminium windows are also very cost-effective and durable.

If you want your property to look modern, bright and appealing, then aluminium is the material of choice by professionals. Our team has been in the aluminium window and door business for many years. We can offer you professional advice on several matters related to aluminium windows and doors installation in Johannesburg.

We also supply burglar bars and sliding aluminium windows and doors installation. We manufacture top of the range aluminium windows, basement windows: which have been specifically designed with your custom measurements.

All aluminium windows from Aluminium Pro are designed with durability in mind. While buying in bulk, you not only receive special discounts but also qualify for payment plans with discounted rates. This is because we don’t want our customers to pay high prices for quality. Custom made windows will always cost more than mass-produced ones.

These are some of the features that make our products better in terms of quality:

Services & Features

Aluminium window frames in Johannesburg

Aluminium Window frames   


Aluminium window frames are lightweight; thus ensuring that you save time and money installing and maintaining them over time.  

Aluminium window frames have reinforced corners, making them durable. Installation becomes hassle-free, because of the lightweight but does not compromise the strength. Aluminium window frames also feature aerodynamic designs that are virtually unlimited when it comes to customisation and make sure no air escapes, as well as providing eye candy to the everyday house connoisseur. 


Aluminium window frames designs


Although aluminium frames may feel light to the touch, this by no means is a reflection of their quality, We ensure that our aluminium window frames are built with precision laser cutting machines to ensure that every product passes stringent quality control checks. This precision not only means you get the sharpest finish but also means that aluminium window frames are space-saving.  

Aluminium windows frame, space-saving designs have thermal break walls, which allow for seamless airflow throughout your home or office. This allows for maximum comfort indoors. The frames are insulated on both sides which means, aluminium window frames save a considerable amount of your energy annually.

Especially if you are using an air conditioning system or heater. With such impressive specifications, the frames offer superior insulation from heat and cold – this ensures continuity in climate control within your home or office compound. Aluminium Pro are the leader in home renovations in Johannesburg and are certified. Aluminium Pro is equipped with advanced facilities to manufacture all kinds of top-quality aluminium and other materials such as see-through glass, curtain walls and etched glass at a fraction of the cost. We manufacture aluminium windows according to specific measurements and customize them according to your needs and preferences – we also manufacture aluminium sliding windows with maximum ease, efficiency and precision while you sit back relaxed, at the convenience of your home or office. We also supply and fit many other products such as :

• Patio doors • Aluminium doors

• Replacement double glazing units

• Vehicle Paint Protection Film

• Tinted and Polycarbonate Windows and Doors and much more.

Need to install aluminium windows in Johannesburg?

Aluminium Pro will manufacture, transport and install your aluminium windows and doors in Johannesburg.

Gone are the days when people had to drive around in public transport to buy, and transport aluminium windows and aluminium doors to install them by themselves, or pay contractors large sums of money only to be unsatisfied by empty promises.

Aluminium Pro. We offer a service second to none in Johannesburg.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

We offer an extensive range of services including aluminium sliding windows,burglar bars, sliding doors & aluminium door repairs

Contact Us

Kelvin, Sandton

Created by Aluminium Pro 2022